Welcome to the World's #1 STEAM Program

Where Engineering Meets Imagination®

Offering Award Winning Onsite Field Trips, Afterschool Enrichment, Summer Camps and Family Engagement Programs
The Challenge Island Difference

Our Results Show in Our Awards

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Palm Tree Pillars

The Foundational Pillars of our Program that Make Challenge Island the Go-To Choice for Millions of Parents and Educators

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"To develop a complete mind, study the science of art; study the art of science; realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo DaVinci

21st Century Skills

We foster the fundamental skills kids need to thrive today and tomorrow including creativity, collaboration, communication, flexibility and leadership.

Higher Level Thinking Skills

Our programs promote deep, critical, analytical and creative thinking abilities in kids which help ensure their long-term academic and professional success.

Project Based Learning

Our STEAM Teams® engage in collaborative, inquiry-based, student-driven learning grounded in real world connections and meaningful problem-solving.

Island Destinations

Whimsical island ambience combined with cross-curricular themes make the Challenge Island experience an unforgettable adventure.

Social-Emotional Learning

We foster the social and emotional intelligence children need to form healthy relationships, make positive choices and find fulfillment in life.


Research shows that a Challenge-Island-palm-tree-like ability to be flexible and strong through life’s ”storms” is far more essential to future success than IQ.

Steam Teams

No child is an island which is why kids tackle our hundreds of proprietary challenges by combining their strengths with those of a STEAM Team of friends.

Screen Free Fun

Our programs provide digital native kids the precious opportunity to connect with their peers face-to-face and discover the wonders of the world, undeterred by devices.

"One thing that makes Challenge Island a standout is what it lacks. You’ll find no screens or digital devices in a Challenge Island after-school class, camp or family night. Instead, kids working together in STEAM Teams, are encouraged to use imagination, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to come up with creative solutions to challenges using a treasure-chest full of low-tech supplies."


Award-Winning STEAM Programs

Hi, I’m Julie!

Owner of Challenge Island Niagara Frontier
My name is Julie Seitz-Brummer. I live in Newfane with my super sweet, patient, supportive husband, Henry. We were both born and raised here for most of our lives. We are so proud of our little town and love to give back however we can. We have two awesome sons, Tyler and Brayden. Tyler is my inside-the-house computer, VR, music-loving, expert. Brayden is our always outside, baseball-basketball-all sports, all-the-time, kid! I can't forget my four-legged daughters, Nike, our snooty black cat and our rescue puppy Luna, who keeps us on our toes with her silliness! What a blessing Challenge Island has been to my family! After an accident, I was unable to return to my Second Grade classroom after teaching for 20 years. I love teaching and knew I needed to find some new way to help and inspire the children and families in my community. Challenge Island is it! Living in a rural area, we don't always have the same opportunities bigger cities have. Challenge Island gives me the ability to bring amazing, exciting, educational experiences to our smaller communities. We are so proud to be a Program on Demand Partner with the Girl Scouts of WNY, offering Badge and Journey workshops from Jamestown to Fairport! Schools from Springville to Medina have enjoyed In-School Field Trips, Virtual classes and Family STEAM nights. Challenge Island Camps and Kids Night Out at AJs Play Date, WAHI Studios, Niagara Shores, Tonawanda Parks & Rec and Camp Windy Meadows are so much fun! We have done STEAMbuilding workshops with baseball and basketball teams across WNY, and even at a Thirty-One Bag Convention! We are looking forward to bringing even more wonderful opportunities to our kids and families in WNY!

STEAM + Reading = STREAM!

Combine the Magic of Challenge Island Programs with the Magic of Reading with our Bestselling Book Series!

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Ride the Wave of Excitement with Challenge Island’s Sports-Themed Field Trips


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